Far Infrared Massage Bed with Jade Rollers

*The far infrared massage bed is a 45 minute therapy


How it Works

How does Migun work so effectively to reduce pain and help so many other conditions at the same time? Migun Therapy Table is an FDA registered class II medical device. It combines deep far-infrared heat, massage therapy, and acupressure while gently flexing and stretching your spine and relaxing your muscles. The patented jade massage heads are placed in a specific measurement to help encourage better blood flow and nerve conduction along the spine, which stimulates the autonomic nervous system deep within the body. The autonomic nervous system controls  blood pressure, blood glucose regulation, digestion, bladder function, breathing, and much more.

Studies conducted at the University of California Irvine report customers show improvement in chronic pain levels, lower blood pressure, and better regulation of blood glucose levels for type 2 diabetes, more energy, improved sleep, and less digestive problems.

How it Feels

What is Migun Therapy, and what does it feel like? The Migun treatment therapy table consists of a warm, comfortable, relaxing fifteen- to thirty-minute session that is extremely effective in reducing or eliminating pain. It helps to relax muscles, relieves joint pain and stiffness, and increases circulation. The specially designed and patented jade massage heads run up and down your back from the tip of your head to the bottom of your tailbone.

Why it's Effective

Why is Migun so effective? The secret lies in the unique design of our patented jade stone massage heads, which were developed to help stimulate the nerves, muscles, and circulation along the sides of your spine. There are also specially designed massage tracks for the back and legs that gently encourage the spine to move and flex along targeted acupressure points while far infra-red deep heat therapy increases circulation. Consistent Migun therapy has been scientifically proven to improve and provide relief from many chronic conditions.

For almost 30 years, Migun has consistently been recognized for being the best and highest quality product on the market today and has received numerous worldwide awards for its innovative designs in far infrared and negative ion technology.

External Hand-Held: Our 2 Jade and 15 Jade far infra red projectors present unlimited possibilities for treatment to other areas of the body. These projectors can be directly applied to those areas to concentrate treatment where you need it most.

Contact the Practitioner



Appointment for: Rosalind Hilkey, MA, BCC


7:00 pm-9:00 pm




7:00 pm-9:00 pm






9:00 am-11:00 am

