Foot Detox

Foot Detox

* A foot detox is a 60 minute procedure

Why Detox?

An alkaline body is crucial to a person’s health. Diseases thrive in an acidic environment. Pollutants, food additives, and stress are all common contributors that increase the acidic terrain in the body. The Center for Disease Control reports that up to 85% of all illnesses are caused by toxins and pollutants. The human body functions best when ions are balanced at 80% negative and 20% positive and toxins severely disrupt this balance.

The EB Pro detox foot bath was designed to restore the body's energy and balance while facilitating  its natural detoxification process. The EB-Pro device has been proven in clinical trials to  restore the body's Ph and electromagnetic energy.

Other scientifically measured effects of this detox, besides alkalization, are lower blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels. A 2008 study by Center for Research Strategies showed participants’ levels of aluminum to have decreased by 46% and arsenic levels to have decreased by 24%, on average.

The detox continues to alkalize the body up to 48 hours after the treatment, via urination and sweat, which is an added benefit. One should not eat/drink acidic foods after a treatment, to help better facilitate the detox process.

Other noted benefits from using a foot detox include:

  • Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus
  • Relieve pain and tension including headaches
  • Purify the blood and lymph
  • Increase peripheral circulation
  • Stimulate and balance the immune system
  • Enhance nutrient absorption
  • Reduce inflammation and unwanted fluid retention
  • Help clear up skin
  • Assist in weight loss
  • Slow down aging and improve body flexibility
  • Quicken recovery time from disease or injury
  • Increase oxygen in the body
  • Rejuvenate and energize your whole body
  • Improve sleep

Learn More by Clicking the Link Below

Ion Foot Bath Therapy

Contact the Practitioner



Appointment for: Rosalind Hilkey, MA, BCC


7:00 pm-9:00 pm




7:00 pm-9:00 pm






9:00 am-11:00 am

