Massage/ Lymphatic Drainage

Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T)

B.E.S.T is a gentle healing system used to address stress and promote balance in the body, including the nervous, muscular, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems. When a system moves out of balance, it creates a pattern of physical, emotional, and chemical symptoms, including illness and disease.

When the body is stressed, overtaxed, or unbalanced, it causes other systems to work harder to make up for their deficiency resulting in exhaustion and imbalance. System exhaustion manifests as muscle and joint pain, fatigue, digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, and emotional stress, to name a few. When this happens, we are given a name for our condition. Names like Hypertension, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Stress, Diabetes, Headaches, Over Weight, and Lack of Clarity and Cognition become typical

B.E.S.T. works to maximize the healing potential of your body’s natural systemic intelligence. When your systems are in balance, vibrant energy returns, and your body can begin the process of healing itself and returning to ideal, natural health.   

B.E.S.T, massage or lymphatic drainage is a typically a 60-minute procedure

lymphatic massage

The lymph system is part of the immune system that helps fight infection. Lymph transports nutrients and oxygen to cells, collects toxins on the way and flushes them out through the lymph nodes. You have approximately twice as many lymph vessels as blood vessels in your body. However, unlike blood, which is pumped by your heart, the lymph system has no pump other than the pressure from your blood vessels and movement from your muscles that push the lymphatic fluid through the system.

Lymphatic drainage massage can have  beneficial effects on your general health because lymph is key to keeping your immune system working properly. Healthy drainage improves the flow of lymph around the body and prevents toxins from accumulating in surrounding tissues.  Lymph nodes become hard and painful when overloaded from unmetabolized waste that is too large for the circulatory system to manage.

Lymphatic massage:

  • Stimulates blood circulation and tissue regeneration
  • Directs and increases lymphatic flow, promoting faster removal of excess interstitial fluid
  • Reduces swelling and water retention
  • Improves the immune system due to the important elimination of toxins
  • Minimizes the appearance of cellulite by reduction of toxin and fluid build-up
  • Promotes body and mental relaxation
  • Energizes the body 

Lymphatic drainage

Contact the Practitioner



Appointment for: Rosalind Hilkey, MA, BCC


7:00 pm-9:00 pm




7:00 pm-9:00 pm






9:00 am-11:00 am

